Tuesday 27 March 2018

Capsule Wardrobes: Decision Time

Seasonal Colours and Capsule Wardrobes

Part 3b

So decide on your dress preference. In many senses dresses on their own are both easy and difficult, easy in that there is only one item but difficult in that you can't mix and match, and the most successful capsule wardrobe is based on a mix-and-match of items. Here is an example out of my winter capsule. I have 4 dresses – ivory daisies with pink centers on navy, teal daisies with dark red centers on ivory, dark tan leaves on light tan background and light tan with a mixed pattern. Then I have 7 pairs of trousers in differing styles, bright red, dark red, navy, brown, green, medium pink, blue. The combinations are many, patterned light tan with brown, red, blue, green or pink, navy with navy or pink, teal with teal or dark red. I also have a couple of sleeveless over-dresses to add layers and more interest in dark red or navy lace plus a couple of maxi dresses which have a multi floral pattern and can be worn over almost any trousers. This means that I have more than enough clothing to take me through a week without needing to duplicate my look and also means that I only need to do laundry twice a week (great saving on energy here). Come spring (and I am doing this now) some of the colours go away and others will come out, so brown, dark red and teal disappear until autumn/fall and blue, yellow and green appear. A bonus is that all my clothing fits in 2 fairly large plastic boxes with the current season's clothing in a much smaller box which sits on top of the others. This means that my clothing is readily accessible, storing it rolled up means that it doesn't get wrinkles, can be kept moth free, no need of smelly laundry detergent/fabric softeners as I use lavender sachets or cedar wood for scents, no need of a space wasting wardrobe/closet as the boxes stack and can be used to display items on top as well.

Please note that I have not included underwear, shoes or other accessories in the above lists. Underwear is personal to each different person, I prefer to wear a number of different thin layers because we don't keep the house at summer temperatures all year round (winter the average temperature would be around 50degF/10degC) and layering means that you keep warm much more easily and it also means that when we go out we don't need to take really heavy winter coats with us which then become a problem as soon as we go into a supermarket or shopping mall where the heat is enough to cause you to nearly pass out when wearing the coat, or you can take it off and then worry about carrying it plus all your shopping which still makes you hot. In my case this means that I have colour matched under-dresses (think mediaeval chemises) which can be worn as a petticoat under a maxi dress or as a maxi dress on their own beneath a slightly shorter kurti/dress worn over the top with trousers underneath. So this part of my underwear box is colour co-ordinated to the season. I also wear scarves all the time so these are also colour co-ordinated to match in with the season but also thickers ones in winter and thin chiffon in summer. Shoes – I have a couple of pairs as they do take up space, and this is in short supply in a tiny house but my daughter has lots of them (again stored in plastic boxes so they don't take up too much space) and they match with the couple of handbags/purses that I have, again different colour for each season. They are in neutral colours and match in with everything I have – navy, cream/ivory, brown (leopard print), plus 2 pairs of boots, one tan and one black. Handbags are leopard print, dk brown, orange for winter and ivory/baby pink/pale grey floral, pale yellow and cream for summer. They all fold down and fit nicely together inside a single box. I also have a couple of faux leather shopping bags that I use when shopping, better than plastic bags or the paper ones that always rip when you are stepping over a puddle of water or spilled ice-cream and when a scarf is tied around a handle in the latest colour for that year they are instantly updated. I have one in mustard for summer and one in tan for winter. I also have a number of those bags that fold up into a tiny ornate packet which are designed to sit in your bag until needed or are simple fabric tote bags, again ideal for shopping and they all fold up nicely into my shopping bag until needed.

If you are serious about having a capsule wardrobe so that you always have something to wear while having less clothing and space in your wardrobe/closet then you need to sit down with a pencil and paper and make several columns. See charts below for an example I found in one of my books. Equally there are a number of books out there that will give you a list of the basic necessities for a working girl – Color Me Beautiful to name but one. Fill in the chart, then sit and look at it. Fill in the second chart and then compare the two. Decide what you want to do with the extras (I favour a local charity shop when I decide to change one outfit for a new one, or as a seamstress I recycle the item(s) into something for someone else or something around the house (pillow case, cushion cover, part of a patchwork quilt, tote for shopping). Often a dress can be made into a nightdress or pair of pyjamas with a matching trousers for the bottoms. (My daughter's nightwear collection is all mix-and-match so that she just pulls out a pair or PJ bottoms and a PJ top and she knows they will go together without even having to think about it).
Based on the one found in an old book, please be honest and include EVERYTHING in your wardrobe/closet. You may need to expand the chart to cope.

Items you have
Leisure home
Leisure gym
Dressy casual
Dressy formal










Waistcoat (vest)/slipover

This table below is for my Spring capsule, many of the items were carried over from winter and some will go on again into summer.

Items I have
Leisure home
Leisure gym
Dressy casual
Dressy formal
Blue, pink,
Navy, ivory, pink, orange
Green, yellow, ivory
Beige silk
Dresses maxi
Yellow plain, yellow gingham
Yellow gingham

Green/ivory stripe
Navy cotton lace
Kurti midi
Floral misc.
Yellow/ivory, yellow/green
Beige beaded lace & silk
Kurti short
Pale blue, misc.floral
navy/ivory floral

Plain ninja style
Plain ninja style
Navy, grey, pink,
Pink, grey,
Plain beige ninja
Slippers, mules
Navy, brown
Navy, brown,
Brown leather
Gym bag
Navy, brown
Navy, brown
Brown leather
Navy, brown, black
Navy, brown, mauve/black
Brown leather
Blue hoodie
Brown check, yellow wool,
red, dk red lace slipover
Brown check, mauve wool check,
Beige silk and lace
Acrylic cross, fake pearls,
Leaf pendant, fake pearls, acrylic cross,

This isn't everything I included because of the seasonal part, but it is a fairly accurate one for winter last (the 2 brown outfits are new). Include items that you really need but only the basics. Think, do you really need/fit/use/wear this item or is it just sitting in the closet unworn/too large or small/doesn't suit. This table is based on the one I made for myself, yours will be different because your clothing choices are YOURS and not mine.
You ;may not go to the gym (or out running or whatever) but you may spend time shopping, and you may spend time eating/drinking out with friends. In this case you wouldn't have leisure gym but you might instead put casual shopping, casual dressy (eating out, cinema etc.) or if you have kids and don't have time to go anywhere you might instead include shopping with kids, teacher/parent nights, monthly night out with girlfriends, Customise to fit your lifestyle, but remember that to be successful the clothing you have left must mix and match. This means that that bright pink jacket that looked fabulous in the shop but which matches nothing in your wardrobe either goes to a charity shop/sold on ebay or you put it to one side, think about it for a week and then if you can't do without it – because you really really like it – then you go and find something to wear it with. That might be a couple of neutral dresses or skirts/trousers and top that match and can be worn with a contrasting jacket that will really make them pop. If you don't have lots of money to spare for new clothing it is well worth your while – if you can't already – to go to classes or find a friend who can and learn to sew. I was lucky enough to learn at school but my mother could sew as well so both my brother and I were able to sew from a young age. Now I am able to easily update my wardrobe with clothing (especially since I found a great shop which not only has an actual shop but also sells on-line – www.vibesandscribes.ie – and they have a great range of dressmaking and quilting fabrics (and both can be used for either). There are many other good on-line shops out there and the shipping costs are great if they are in your country of residence, otherwise the shipping costs (especially from the US to the rest of the world) are prohibitive. Give it a go because it is very rewarding and you will never again be wearing the same as somebody else (plus the item will last and be cheaper than many items purchased in stores).a
Lastly, below is another gem found on Pinterest. This is a very basic capsule wardrobe, pared back to the minimum but there is enough there for both work and entertaining (at home or out). You can go shopping, spend a day in the country or a main shopping street, go to work and then add a couple of items before going out for the evening, basically a simple everyday selection without any specialist items eg: for the athletic type or the gym afficionado or the person who spends their spare time mucking out the stables and riding ponies.

Until next week: take care, have fun, enjoy life, look out of the window and see the new shoots springing up as the weather slowly warms up for the new season (in the northern hemisphere. Southern hemisphere the trees are slowly losing their leaves, the mornings are getting darker and cooler and autumn/fall is in the air with winter following on behind).

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