Wednesday 3 January 2018

A new beginning

Having written blogs using this site for a couple of months imagine my surprise when, having finally got our internet back up and running (story involving a woman driver so shall be omitted) I discovered that blogger (and bloglovin in spite of receiving emails daily from this particular site) both seem to have lost my account. Old blogs are still up there, but try putting up the first for the new year, and the name comes up as being 'unknown email address'. So much for a good beginning to the year but hey, I don't have to change the name and can start again from scratch, so maybe it is good news.

Unfortunately we received bad news the week before Christmas meaning that my daughter will be taking her first holiday in 5 years and disappearing to New Zealand for 3 weeks to visit family. Modern luggage restrictions mean that the most that she can take, realistically, is going to be a single suitcase in the hold and basics (kindle, crochet, undies for when the suitcase gets sent to the other side of the world) so we need to come up with a ''capsule'' wardrobe that involves a few items of clothing which are colour matched so they provide the maximum number of outfits. The good news is that it is the middle of summer, and what's more a summer such as I remember from when I was a child which is to say hot and sunny with no rain, so clothing can be washed. So I have visited my all time favourite fabric shop ( and have come up with some complimentary colours that tie in with her preferred choice and look good with her colouring. So far so good, now I just have to make the items.

Incidentally, I cannot recommend Vibes and Scribes highly enough, their fabrics are all top quality - many bearing the Rose and Hubble mark - and prices are competitive. They do a great range of whimsical designs - pandas, cows, ducks, squirrels, cats to name but a few, - which are ideal for nightwear and casual tops. They also do a great range of quilting fabrics, many of which can be used for dressmaking as well, and being available in most cases by the 1/4 meter means that precise amounts can be purchased and used with minimal waste. Result will be about a week of solid sewing and then a collection of clothing which can be worn and co-ordinated to cover the 3 week period, and all in natural fibers which the hot weather (and humidity) will demand. I believe the modern term is a win win situation.

Having consulted various pins on Pinterest and similar sites we decided that the following list would be the best from the site Style Me Pretty, the only list to include basics such as underwear and nightwear. With some light amendments - no shorts or short skirts, a couple of maxi skirts and dresses - and a colour palette of pale pinks and blues we should be onto a good start. As mentioned above, I already have many of the fabrics needed, and the above fabric shop will provide those still to be purchased - ordered tomorrow and delivered monday with free postage -  and with luck there will be everything needed in one small case.

So until next weeks blog, and photos of some of the finished items, think of me crouched over a sewing machine sewing, or a table cutting out. Also imagine the comments when something goes wrong (and it always does, somewhere) or the bobbin thread runs out an inch short of the seam ending, or a piece of pattern going missing and only turning up when you give in and cut a replacement piece. The joys of needlework.

Wall Art and Fabric Craft

Having spent the last year doing nothing but sewing I decided it was time to spend a little time before I forget how to and actually paint. ...